Petition: 3 CECs

Online Course

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Prerequisites Required


In addition to Spinning® continuing education courses and workshops, you can petition up to 6 SPIN® CECs (Spinning continuing education credits) on courses not previously approved by Mad Dogg Athletics®. Acceptable examples include a course in exercise science, biomechanics or heart rate training. These credits count towards the 14 points you need to earn every two years to keep your Spinning Instructor Certification current.

What you need to know:

  • The course must relate to your role as a Certified Spinning Instructor.
  • Other Indoor Cycling Certifications outside of Spinning will not be accepted for SPIN CEC’s
  • A qualified educator, health or fitness professional must teach the course.
  • Please petition each conference session separately.
  • No refunds for unapproved courses.
  • Petitioned courses must occur within your renewal period; courses before or after your renewal period are not accepted.
  • We notify you within 2-3 weeks about the status of your petition and how many points are awarded for the course.

Available Course Credits

Spinning® 3.00

Course Procedure

  1. Pay Petition fee.
  2. Enter course details and upload proof of completion.
  3. Email notification sent of credit approval status.

Course Content

Petition Application Instructions
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